How to Practice Meditation and Mindfulness

In the modern hustle and bustle, it’s easy to speed through life without truly living it. Mindfulness and meditation encourage awareness and acceptance of the present moment, promising myriad health benefits.

Choose Positivity: Simple Tips to Improve Your Outlook on Life

You may not be able to control what life throws at you, but you can choose how you handle it. Even when faced with difficult situations, negativity doesn’t have to be your default. You can choose to see the positive in times of trouble and you can learn how to challenge different aspects of negativity… Continue reading Choose Positivity: Simple Tips to Improve Your Outlook on Life

Preserve Your Mental Health with These Positivity-Boosting Tips

When life hands you lemons you’re supposed to make lemonade but sometimes you just can’t muster the energy to see the silver lining in a difficult situation. No one is happy all the time, but research shows that people who stay positive are healthier than those who dwell in negativity. Keeping a positive outlook could… Continue reading Preserve Your Mental Health with These Positivity-Boosting Tips