Choose Positivity: Simple Tips to Improve Your Outlook on Life

tips for positive outlook

You may not be able to control what life throws at you, but you can choose how you handle it. Even when faced with difficult situations, negativity doesn’t have to be your default. You can choose to see the positive in times of trouble and you can learn how to challenge different aspects of negativity instead of just accepting them. Here are X simple tips to help you become more positive.

1. Start your day with a smile.

Even if you’ve barely slept and you wake up in a sour mood, you have the power to turn things around. Sometimes the simple act of smiling – even if you have to fake it – can have a positive impact on your mood. Put a smile on your face each day when you roll out of bed, and you may be surprised how it starts to come more naturally over time.

2. Create a soothing morning routine.

Before you head to work or start tackling your daily to-do list, take a few minutes to relax and center yourself for the day. Try yoga or meditation to calm your mind. Giving yourself some time to mentally prepare for the day may protect you against stress and may help you keep a more positive outlook. 

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

A good mood is contagious, so spend time around positive people. Meet a friend for tea sweetened with Lemonade honey, invite a loved one out on a hike, or just spend a few minutes on the phone getting to know a new acquaintance. Don’t waste your time or energy on toxic relationships and people who have a habit of bringing you down.

4. Challenge negative self-talk.

The voice in your head can affect your mood and your outlook on life. When you feel your thoughts trending in a negative direction, take a moment to pause and reframe them. See if you can’t find the silver lining in a difficult situation or simply choose to think about something more positive for a while.

5. Make self-care a priority in your life.

It’s easy to feel negative when you’re stressed and depressed. Even if you feel like you don’t have the time, it’s important to take a break once in a while – take some time to engage in a relaxing activity or to do nothing at all. Pack your favorite tea blend into a teaspoon infuser and spend a few minutes sipping in the sun. There are no rules for self-care – do whatever makes you happy or helps you relax and unwind.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed at work or stressed about family obligations, know that you’re not alone. It’s never wrong to ask for help. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety or depression, consider joining a support group or consult with an online therapist to get the help you need.

There will always be days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and you just can’t muster the energy to smile. Even when times are tough, however, you can choose where to focus your energy. By putting some of the tips above into play, you will start to see the silver lining in the storm clouds, and you can learn how to be a more positive person.