DIY Acne Fighting Mask

Skin can get complicated. If you don’t take care of it, it can get dry and oily and you can develop acne.

Though there are tons of great products out there, learning how to make your own DIY acne fighting mask can help you prevent future breakouts because you will be able to tailor ingredients to suit your specific skin care needs.

On top of that, it can be a great, relaxing activity that’s fantastic for unwinding after a long day. Here are some 4 DIY Acne Fighting Face Masks that can take your skincare to the next level.

Before you start making your own face masks, it’s important to note the differences between acne vs. pimples.

Acne is formed when your pores are clogged with oil and bacteria and is a bodily reaction to that combination. Though they are a type of acne, pimples are  non-inflammatory and milder.

The Benefits of DIY Acne Fighting Masks

DIY Acne fighting mask

Here are some of the benefits of DIY Acne Fighting Masks:

  • Anti-Inflammatory: Ingredients that are anti-inflammatory are great for treating and preventing acne outbreaks.
  • Hydrating: Keeping your skin hydrated is fantastic for reducing acne outbreaks.
  • Stress Relief: By reducing your stress levels, you can also decrease your chance of getting acne.
  • Helps With Pigmentation: Exfoliating masks assist in removing dead skin.
  • Decreases Oil From Skin: To improve your skin, you should try to make a face mask that can extract excessive oil so your pores don’t get clogged.

What Kind Of Ingredients Should You Use

Deciding you want to make your own face masks to improve your skin is an important step in the right direction. You are taking matters into your own hands and deciding to work towards improving your skin and building up your self-confidence.

There’s a wide range of ingredients you can get for your DIY Acne Fighting Masks. The best part? Many of these ingredients can be found at your local grocery store or you can grow them yourself in your backyard with a sustainable garden. Check out these kinds of ingredients you should look for:

  • Enzymes: Enzymes are fantastic for getting rid of those dead skin cells in your skin that can clog up your poles and lead to acne outbreaks. When making your own exfoliating face masks, you should get fruits like pineapples and papayas.
  • Avocado: Great for moisturizing.
  • Honey: Similarly to avocado, honey is fantastic for moisturizing.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric can help with inflammation.
  • Lactic Acid: Lactic acid can assist with exfoliation and help clean out your pores to prevent acne outbreaks. It can be found in milk and yogurt.

Tips For Making DIY Acne Fighting Masks

  • Don’t Overdo It: Since everyone’s skin is unique, you should ultimately base your decision of how often you do face masks on your own needs. If your skin is really sensitive, you should avoid overdoing it — there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing.
  • Store Your Ingredients: To be mindful of the environmental impact of produce, you should store your ingredients in the refrigerator to ensure that you don’t have to constantly be buying more fruit and vegetables. For instance, if you use half an avocado for a face mask, you should wrap it in tin foil. This way, you can use it for a salad the next day.
  • Wash Your Ingredients: Make sure your ingredients are clean and fresh. You don’t want to put any ingredients that are dirty on your pores or it will make your pores infected and the situation a lot worse.
  • Adjust Masks According To Your Needs: Though there are DIY face mask recipes, you should adjust the quantity of ingredients according to your specific needs. For instance, if you want to exfoliate, you should focus on enzymes. But if you are looking for something anti-inflammatory, add some more turmeric.
  • Watch Out For Allergies: The last thing you want is to have an allergic reaction to a face mask. When preparing your mask, remember to steer clear from anything that can cause your skin to have an allergic reaction and a rash.
  • Make Sure The Ingredients Are Not Expired: Though you should feel free to experiment and rummage through your refrigerator for items for your DIY face mask, remember to check the expiration date so you don’t aggravate your skin and cause an infection.
  • Do It With A Friend: If you are inexperienced and just learning how to make face masks, you should reach out to a friend and see if they can help you out. In addition to making sure that you are doing all the steps right, they will keep you company and make it a social event. Who knows? Maybe you two can take some selfies and exchange tips with some friends online!
  • Don’t Give Up: It may take you a few times to get your DIY face mask right. Like most things, it probably won’t be completely perfect the first time you try it. However, it’s important not to give up hope and keep on doing it until it’s right.
  • Do Something Relaxing While You Do It: Since you will probably be leaving your face mask for 10-30 minutes, you should find a leisurely activity to do like watching TV, reading a book, or catching up with a friend on FaceTime. Maybe, you can just sit there and do nothing and let your skin exfoliate. Whatever works best for you!
  • Apply Gently: After you have made your mix, you should apply it gently on your face. Don’t overdo it — just do a little bit at once and then let it dry.
  • Wash Your Face Afterwards: To prevent your pores from getting clogged, make sure to wash your face thoroughly. Do not go to sleep without your face.
  • Get A Towel To Dry Your Face: Pat your face down with a dry and clean towel. To prevent acne, you want to make sure your pores aren’t clogged.
  • Clean Up: After making a face mask from scratch and applying it, you may feel exhausted. Clean up afterwards immediately so your home doesn’t attract pests and bugs.

There are a ton of DIY acne fighting face masks out there. Here are a few:

Turmeric Mask

Turmeric masks are anti-inflammatory, meaning it’s fantastic for skin that’s prone to acne.

  • Milk
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

Apply apple vinegar on your face with a cotton ball. Afterwards, blend the turmeric powder with honey. Five minutes later, put it on your face. You should leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Once it’s been sitting for 15-20 minutes, wash it off with warm water. To take out potential stains from the turmeric powder, use a cotton ball dipped with milk.

Aloe Vera and Turmeric Mask

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera
  • 3 drops of rosewater
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Turmeric has great anti-inflammatory qualities. Similarly, aloe vera can also help calm down inflammation and assist with soothing irritated skin. Since aloe vera consists of sulfur and salicylic acid it can be great for stopping acne by helping manage oily skin. After adding all ingredients in a bowl, mix it together and then apply it on your face, and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. It’s recommended that you do it once a week.

Oatmeal Face Mask (No Sugar)

Are you a fan of oatmeal? Did you know that you can use your leftovers for a fantastic face mask? Oatmeal is rich with acne-fighting agents such as vitamin A, B complex vitamins, vitamin E, and fat. To get the fullest effect, feel free to add some turmeric. Make sure you don’t put any sugar in your mix. Leave it on for anywhere between 20-30 minutes.

Avocado Face Mask

  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • ¼ avocado
  • 2 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil

This face mask is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to hydrate their face. While coconut oil and avocado are great for hydration, honey is rich with antioxidants.

Avocado and Cucumber Face Mask

  • ½ avocado
  • ¼ cucumber blended

This face mask is great for reducing oiliness in your skin and hydration. Avocado mitigates oil levels in your skin. On the other hand, cucumber is comprised of water and vitamin c.  After blending the ingredients, apply it on your face.

Baking Soda and Honey Face Mask

Baking Soda and Honey DIY Face Mask
  • 1 teaspoon in baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon

This face mask has both anti-inflammatory and exfoliating qualities. While the baking soda is anti-inflammatory, the lemon juice is exfoliating. After mixing all the ingredients in a bowl, spread it on your face and neck. Though this face mask is totally safe, you should take some precautions. Avoid the eye area because the lemon is acidic and can cause stinging. In addition, remember to use sunscreen to avoid skin damage.

DIY Acne Fight Face Masks are a great step in taking control of your skincare routine and combating acne. If you are a teenager, you should look into teen acne treatment to see what works best for you.